Predictions in E-commerce for 2021.
Dynamicweb is launching their first Podcast. As their long-time associate the CEO of DignetSoftware, Nermin Montel, was invited to speak at their first livestream concerning the Predictions in Ecommerce in 2021.
Nermin discussed the recent trend in businesses to shift from a “brick-and-mortar“ type of business to e-commerce solutions. He mentioned that he strongly believed, that the lockdown had helped this transition and that even after the lockdown, online trade would still be preferred by most customers. He implied that companies were rapidly changing the way they conduct business and were in the need of a platform to communicate with their customers. Additionally, he discussed the importance of cryptocurrencies in the continued boost in e-commerce.
The host of the podcast was Dynamicweb's Marketing VP Eric Jan C. van Putten. Next to DignetSoftware, the following companies participated in this event: Solteq Plc, Degree Consulting Group, priint Group, Braintree by Vox and 9 Dots Consulting.
#Dynamicweb WTF of Digital Transformation: Predictions 2021 #Ecommerce